Agave Nectar vs. Honey: Choosing your syrupy sweetness


Agave Nectar vs. Honey: Choosing your syrupy sweetness

I don’t know about you, but I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so to keep the guilt at bay, I have turned to liquid sweeteners, most notably agave nectar and honey. For me it’s all about nutrition though, and both syrupy sweeteners are delicious, so I mix it up a little. I may use honey in my tea and agave in cooking – it really depends on the situation.

I try to avoid as much added sugar as possible, and while honey and agave nectar do contain more nutrition than refined sugar, they still do add up calories. Their calorie and nutrition counts are pretty similar in comparison too, so they more or less even out in terms of which is healthier. 

So if you are wondering which is best for you, let’s take a look: 

Agave Nectar vs. Honey:  Calories & Carbs 

Two tablespoons of agave has 21g of carbs and 85 calories, while the same serving of honey has 35 g of carbs and 128 calories. So if you’re counting calories, you should go with agave nectar. 

Agave contains less sugar per serving, at 18.6 g, while honey has 34.5 g in the same amount. 

Agave Nectar vs. Honey  Nutrition 

Agave syrup is a source of some of the nutrients that are not in honey. for instance, it has 6.2 micrograms of vitamin K, as well as trace amounts of vitamins C and E. Honey, on the other hand has traces of vitamin C and several minerals, such as zinc, potassium, iron and calcium. 

Agave Nectar vs. Honey:  Other Health Benefits

Agave is low-gI,  and is sweeter than regular sugar, which i great for reducing the calorie content of certain foods. It is a primarily a fructose with limited effect on your blood sugar levels. Agave is a better choice for vegans, as it comes from plants, but it’s not ideal if you’re a diabetic, because it converts to fat quicker than other types of sugar. The excess fat can lead to insulin resistance.

Honey, too, is a fructose and sweeter than normal sugar. It also contains plenty antioxidants to help protect you from a myriad diseases. In addition, it has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

When it comes to choosing your sweet satisfaction, weigh up these options and try both to see what you like most. Can’t choose which one you favor? Use both, like I do.



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