Almond Milk vs Cow Milk: Which is Better?


Almond Milk vs Cow Milk: Which is Better?

In recent years, we have been looking for alternatives to cow’s milk. From soy milk, to goat milk to coconut milk, and more recently almond milk, we’re looking for healthier alternatives that contain more nutrition and in some cases, milk that doesn’t cause allergies.

While we were all brought up on cow’s milk, studies have shown that perhaps it is not best for us. It is harder to digest than some other milk sources and many people are lactose intolerant these days. Many of us lack the enzyme lactase that is needed to help us digest lactose (milk sugar) that is found in dairy. There are also gluten and casein allergies that plague us these days, and some people have found that milk affects them.

On top of that, horror stories have been circulating about the bacteria that cow’s milk contains.

What’s the Best Alternative to Cow’s Milk?

Just take a look at the milk shelves in your local supermarket and you’ll be spoilt for choice. In addition to cow’s milk, you will find a variety of soy options, goat’s milk, rice milk, coconut milk and finally, almond milk.

Almond milk offers a healthier option, as it contains a range of essential minerals and vitamins that our bodies require to function optimally. Additionally, it is packed with antioxidants that can help us to fight the signs of ageing and prevent a range of different types of cancer.

Almond milk is also lower in calories, for those of us who are counting.  It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, which is great for people who have heart problems.

Cow’s milk is fortified with vitamins and minerals, and has eight grams of protein, which is the only benefit it has over almond milk, which contains 1 gram of protein per serving.

Almond milk has a delightfully subtle nutty flavor, and the unsweetened version can be used as a replacement for cow’s milk in day-to-day use!



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